Thursday, September 1, 2011

Monster toddlers

I had a dream last night I came across 2 little vampire toddlers and took charge of them. I was looking for a wizard who could help cure them because they were innocent children and I didn't want an angry mob after them. Meanwhile I put little plastic things on their tiny fangs so they wouldn't bite anyone. If you gave them toys to play with they didn't bother anybody. Finally I found that Blade guy from the movie who would help transform them back to regular toddlers, which are only slightly less dangerous. I guess I got to keep them, but I don't know because it was after 5 a.m. and I had to wake up. I did not feel refreshed when I got out of bed. This probably happened because we were talking about Halloween and costumes, not because of EG's behavior.

Victor got up shortly after, ate porridge, and played with toys; he brought me a lego pizza, saying proudly that it has no cheese on half (we order ours that way so I can eat the non-dairy half). He also threw his flash cards down the stairs, but that was good because while we were picking them up I discovered he could read the numbers on them - they went up to twelve. Also he brought a load of straw into the kitchen. All this and more before 7 a.m. I really needed that window between 5 and 7:30 to work and was counting on him sleeping as late as he usually does. Well, it's good to know he doesn't have fangs and is really not evil at all.

EG's recipe suggestion this week is tomato smoothies.

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